Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Wishing this were an April Fool's joke.

Things were really looking good for travel this month. We got word that the remaining documents of Sam's dossier had been delivered to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and we were at Step 10, one of the final steps of the pingpong of paperwork in Vietnam. We were happy...we were joyous....
And then.
And then this afternoon, we got an email from our agency. Jynger forwarded to us an email from USCIS, announcing a new requirement, effective today, for I-600 approval: DNA verification of the birthmother and abandoned child. Yes, that is as complicated and near-impossible for an abandoned child as it seems. Particularly for children left at orphanages months--even years earlier. There was nothing in the email stating "for all FUTURE referrals", or "exempting those poor souls who have been delayed with the previous I-600 changes we made in October." We can only hope that there is some...who am I kidding?
We're discouraged tonight. Our good news had us brushing off our knees and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. As the saying goes, it must have been an oncoming train. It feels like a sucker punch out of nowhere, and we're feeling a bit bruised by these punches over the last 6 months.
Sam, my man, know we're trying.


Lisa said...

Oh, Shelley! I just can't begin to imagine how this must make you feel! Hang in there. Sam is so worth it!

Jessica said...

As I said on Meredith's blog, I am SO Digusted for you. I read that memo too and it doesn't even make any sence. I can not imagine what you are feeling right now. Any news from Jynger as to HOW they plan on DNA testing birth parents of children who they don't know who the birth parent are????

lori said...

Praying for good news this week - we just have to get our children home!

Bill, Paula & Will Cook said...

Shelly -

Our hearts are with you. No good words right now - just sending hugs your way.
