Thursday, February 28, 2008

Step 8

We were at Step 8 right before Tet. We're still there. I guess we were optimistic that some of the paperwork might have made it through during their celebrations, but alas.
Hopefully we'll get the Step 9 email we're anticipating in the next week or so. Then, look out, visa applications.
Sam, buddy,we're trying to get there.


Nadra said...

Praying for more good news soon. We're on step 7 now...I'm still hoping that we get to travel together...but our stuff needs to speed up.

Jessica Johnston-Myers said...

It is remarkable how quickly things can happen at the end of the process. I'm betting that you'll suddenly get a bunch of back to back updates and/or find out that you have suddenly jumped several spots. I'm still hopeful for a late March or early April G&R!

Julie said...

The wheels are finally in motion again. So hopefully the updates start coming much quicker.

lori said...

I was expecting a little more than step 8 too! But hopefully step 9 will come next week and we can start thinking about the G&R. A good chance for Nadra's paperwork to catch up and we'll all be leaving before we know it!

Bob said...

I hope we all hear Step 9 soon!
Carla C

Heather M. said...

I hope you hear that you're done with the "steps program" & Ready to Go soon! Surely things are bound to pick up now that Tet is over.

Heather M.